Διεθνή Συνέδρια - Ημερίδες
1.4th International Conference, New Trends in Cardiology, Thessaloniki 12-13/03/2004.
2.International symposium on Biological and Medical Data Analysis, ISBMDA 2006, Thessaloniki 7-8/12/2006.
3.AVEM 2009, Aristotle Vascular Experts Meeting, Thessaloniki 12-14/03/2009.
4.7th Bienall Congress of the MSCP, Thessaloniki 22-24/4/10.
5.The art of surgery today, The last Supper, Thessaloniki 4-5/5/2012.
6.XXVIII European Federation Congress of the International College of Surgeons: “Surgical Challenges During a Time of Crisis”, Thessaloniki 3-5/4/2014.
7.1st Clinical Nutrition Congress, Thessaloniki 12-13/04/2013.
8.21st Annual European Meeting of the European Surgical Association, Athens 24-26/4/2014.
9.ASWF Meeting - Acelity Surgical Wound Forum, Frankfurt, 15-17/6/2017.
10.11th Biennial Congress of the MSCP, Thessaloniki, 4-5/5/2018.
11.27th International EAES Congress, Seville, Spain, 12-15/06/2019.
12.7th Symposium on Advances in Cancer Immunology and Immunotherapy, Athens, 2-4/12/2021.
13.American College of Surgeons, 108th Annual Clinical Congres, San Diego, USA, 16-20/10/2022.
14.6th Annual Advances in Colorectal Oncology: Improving Practice through new discoveries, New York, USA, 11-12/11/2022.