Διεθνή Μετεκπαιδευτικά Μαθήματα – Προγράμματα 

1.Medical Specialist Training in the UK, British Council, Thessaloniki 15/10/2005.
2.Experimental Surgery workshop: From theory to praxis, Thessaloniki 20/04/2007.
3.8th postgraduate course in endocrine surgery, International Association of Endocrine Surgeons (IAES), Heraklion 21-24/09/2006.
4.6th EDS Postgraduate course, Thessaloniki 19-21/04/2012.
5.Evidence based medicine workshop, 6th EDS Postgraduate course, Thessaloniki 19-21/04/2012.
6.5th International Symposium Workshop “Colorectal Games”, Heraklion 8-9/6/2012.
7.Postgraduate courses on HPB Surgery (2012), European Hepato – pancreato – biliary Association, Athens 03/2013.
8.1st Chapter 2014 Colorectal Laparoscopic Surgical Skills Seminars, “Rectal Cancer”, European Surgical Institute, Athens, 28/03/2014.
9.2nd Chapter 2014 Colorectal Laparoscopic Surgical Skills Seminars, “Inflammatory Bowel Disease, Intestinal Polyposis Syndromes, Rectal Prolapse & Rectal Surgery Complications”, European Surgical Institute, Athens 13/06/2014.
10.3rd Chapter 2014 Colorectal Laparoscopic Surgical Skills Seminars, “Diverticular Disease: Conservative and Surgical Treatment – Which and When”, European Surgical Institute, Athens 3/10/2014.
11.4th Chapter 2014 Colorectal Laparoscopic Surgical Skills Seminars, “Stage IV, Recurrent and Locally Advanced Colorectal Cancer: How to treat”, European Surgical Institute, Athens 4/12/2014.
12.6th International Meeting Colorectal Games, Athens 13-14/6/14.
13.Postgraduate courses on HPB Surgery (2014-2015), European Hepato – pancreato – biliary Association, Athens 07/2015.
14.7th Symposium “Colorectal Games”, Thessaloniki 10-12/6/2016.
15.American College of Surgeons General Surgery Review Course, 30th Panhellenic Congress of Surgery & International Surgical Forum, Thessaloniki 8-9/11/2016.
16.Benign Anorectal Diseases Masterclass, Thessaloniki 3-4/3/2017.
17.Multidisciplinary Advanced Course on Venous Access, Venice, 14-16/3/2018
18.Milan Surgical Innovation Live Surgery Workshop, Milan, 25/9/2019.

19.New frontiers in abdominal wall surgery (Nuove frontiere nella chirurgia della parete addominale), Milan, 16/10/2019.
20.MEDICAL EDUCATION: Complex Abdominal Wall Repair - Live Anatomy Virtual Workshop, 1/3/2021.
21.EAGLE: ESCP sAfe-anastomosis proGramme in colorectaL surgEry, 4/3/2021.
22.9th Colorectal Games, Heraklion 2-4/7/2021.
23.3M™ Bioskills Lab Series Part 2: NPWT for Closed Incisions: What’s new in breast reconstruction approaches and non-breast surgery? 29/9/2021.